Where can I purchase Rainguard products?
You can purchase directly from us by emailing info@rainguard.co.uk or calling the office on 0113 2795854. Our range is also available from builders’ merchants throughout the UK.
How available is your XL aluminium range of aluminium rainwater goods?
Most items are held in stock in Black textured finish so delivery should be 3-5 days. If you require another colour then please contact our sales office on 0113 279 5854 for an exact delivery date.
Can you supply aluminium in mill finish?
Yes we can. We do however put the aluminium guttering ranges through our pre treatment process first though to ensure the products come to you free from extrusion oils etc.
Can it be fitted unpainted?
Yes it can. Once exposed to the elements, the aluminium will slowly oxidize to a dull grey colour. The oxidization will protect the aluminium from any further weathering.
How long will the XL range last for if it is coated Black?
Our products undergo a four part pre treatment process prior to powder coating followed by a two stage inspection prior to the goods being despatched. We have random sampling of production which then undergoes a rigorous salt water testing process. Cut ends should always be touched up using the touch up paint provided. These tests indicate an anticipated life span before refinishing of 25 years plus for inland locations and approximately 15 years in coastal environments.
Can I use my own joint sealant?
Whilst we cannot insist that our own brand silicone is used we can advise that comprehensive testing has taken place using Yeoman Sealant to ensure the best adhesion/water tightness available.
We’re launching a new and improved, e-commerce website with updated product range very soon! So keep an eye out…
In the meantime, for more accurate product information, please contact our office on 0113 279 5854 or email info@rainguard.co.uk